The use of rugs in the interior design of space began in ancient times, and today this tradition has not lost its relevance. Rugs in the interior perform several important functions. They are responsible for the aesthetics of the room, and act as a background addition to the furnishings, and accent solution, which stands out from the overall design and draws attention. On the other hand, such design elements become a source of additional comfort. They provide warmth to feet, protect the flooring from scratches, dents, create soundproofing.
Modern interior designers quite often use such solutions in their projects. Some recommendations of professionals regarding the choice of rugs are worth taking into account.
Materials of manufacture
One of the main values acquires the material from which the carpet is made. On this depend on the performance of the product, its appearance, the service life. Buyers are available in a variety of options, but the most popular are the following materials:
- Wool. These are natural fibers from which to obtain durable, good-quality models. A wool rug can be made both industrially and manually, with a minimum lifespan of 30 years. Thanks to the use of wool, the products are incredibly soft, cozy and warm. But there are also disadvantages with natural fiber: demanding care, the possibility of color burnout under the action of sunlight, high allergenicity.
- Silk. Included in the segment of models of the premium level. A silk rug has a brilliant surface, softness, wear resistance, retains its original color palette, and even with time doesn’t lose its shape.
- Viscose. Externally almost no different from silk models, but in terms of cost is more affordable. Viscose carpet is the same soft, light, durable, easy to care for. What is important – it is hypoallergenic.
- Bamboo, jute, sisal. The materials of natural origin are suitable for almost any arrangement of spaces. They are especially appropriate for kitchen interiors and hallways. Rather pleasant to the touch, practical, wear-resistant.
- Combined composition. To improve the properties of natural materials, manufacturers offer mixed models, adding to the fibers of wool, silk, cotton up to 20-30% synthetic components (often acrylic, nylon, kapron, polyester). Thanks to this solution it is possible to increase abrasion resistance of rugs, make their production cheaper and simplify their care.
Pile length
The choice of rugs for an interior is based not only on the appearance of the products, color scheme, but also on the performance qualities of the models. The determining parameters here are the pile height and density of the weave.
The pile height affects the softness of coverage, determines its appearance, it determines the resistance to crushing, the complexity of care. According to this criterion are the following types of rugs:
- lint-free or short pile rugs – their pile length does not exceed 5 mm, due to their unpretentiousness and ease of maintenance they are the ideal solution for placing in rooms with high passability (corridor, living room, kitchen);
- middle-hair fleeces – pile height varies from 5 to 10 mm, such products are relatively easy to care for, that’s why they are laid in rooms with moderate load intensity
- longhairs – the warmest, cosiest, have a pile height of 10 mm to 10 cm, they are ideal for children’s rooms and bedrooms.
As for density, this parameter characterizes the number of knots (hairs) per one square meter of the product. The normal value is considered to be a density of 200-300 knots per square meter. The pile can be presented in the form of loops, another option is a velour surface, when the pile is cut. There are also models with combined pile.
Color scheme
There are general recommendations relating to the selection of color schemes. So, a children’s room is usually decorated with products of bright colors, the living room or bedroom – pastel or monochrome models. But in most cases, everything is quite individual, so when choosing a carpet for the interior design is worth remembering a few details:
- The easiest is to buy a rug and curtains in the same color scheme, this is a classic combination of textiles in the interior.
- Rooms with bright wallpaper, a catchy print on furniture upholstery require calmer, monochrome solutions on the floor. And vice versa – laconic finish walls, furniture emphasizes the bright accents of the carpet.
- Vegetable or geometric design of the carpet to combine the space should be supported by decorating the walls, furniture upholstery, curtains (it is enough to choose one element from the list, so as not to overload the interior).
- The traditional solution is to choose the color of the carpet, playing on the contrast with the shade of flooring. Dark parquet is perfectly combined with a beige carpet, red-brown flooring makes a great “friend” with an emerald or ochre carpeting, light flooring will look great with models of warm colors, and gray with purple.
Carpets in different interior styles
Not the least important role in the selection of the carpet is played by the overall style of the space. Each style has its own signs, which should be traceable even in small details.
Carpets of classical direction are characterized by neutral color solutions, symmetric pattern, regular shapes, natural origin of materials.
Minimalism style rugs are usually single-colored, not flashy, short or medium pile.
Art Nouveau rugs usually have a monochrome palette, vegetable motifs in the pattern or ornament and smoothly curved lines.
Fusion style should be complemented by a carpet with a futuristic bright pattern, a variant of non-standard shape is an excellent choice.
Carpet in the Provence style is characterized by a light palette dominated by beige, milky shades, with a delicate floral or rustic pattern.

Carpet for a specific room
The way of location, size, shape of the carpet is selected depending on what room it will decorate. Here there are different options.
Living room
Pile the carpet on the entire surface of the floor now is not accepted. It is necessary at least on each side to leave 10-20 cm – so you can visually expand the boundaries of the room. But usually the products are placed in the sofa area:
- in front of the sofa and armchairs, backing away from the furniture for 10-20 cm;
- under furniture, so that the edge of the rug protrudes at least 20 cm.
The second option of placement is for zoning the room. Here you can use both one small rug, for example near the window by the arm-chair with a floor lamp, and several similar models to visually separate the upholstered sofa group, dining area, reading space, etc.
In smaller rooms the rug should be laid so that it goes under the bed, but does not go under the bedside tables. Spacious bedrooms have a rug that can go all the way under the bed, and be more than 20cm out from the edge of the bed. An alternative solution is to replace the large rug with two smaller ones, placing them on either side of the bed.
This is where you need a cozy, long nap design. You can use one large rug or two smaller ones. The main thing is that they should cover the surface near the baby’s bed and in the play area.
Because of the high risk of contamination, it is not advisable to lay in the kitchen expensive models made of natural materials, with high pile. Products with a combined composition or fully synthetic are more suitable here. Place them in the cooking area, at a distance of about 10 cm from the edge of the furniture, as well as in the dining area. The main rule is for the group of dining furniture to fit on the surface of the carpet, otherwise when you move the chairs, the edges of the rug will bend.
Entrance hall, corridor
The high passability of such rooms determines the use of wear-resistant rugs. As a rule, these are acrylic or viscose lint-free models. They are easy to clean, do not collect dust and dirt.
In rooms of regular shape, you can use both square and rectangular or round models. If the room has some of the nuances of the layout, then choose a rug more carefully, under the specific features of the interior.